We follow a disciplined process to address your financial objectives, working with you to understand your financial affairs as a whole, then developing, implementing and managing a plan to help you move closer toward those goals. Our initial and ongoing meetings are designed to provide you with a better understanding of where you are financially and how well you are staying on track.

Learn more about the basic components of wealth management and what they can do for you:

Beginning Our Relationship
Day 1

Discuss your financial goals and advisory needs, the services we offer, how we work with clients, and how we are compensated.

Why we do it »

We want you to clearly understand what to expect when working with us.

30 Days

Meet to review the personalized financial plan we’ve developed; reassess and reprioritize your goals as necessary; and discuss how we can help you put your plan into action.

Why we do it »

Our plan needs to reflect who you are and what is important to you so that we can help you properly organize your financial affairs.

Taking Action
45 Days

Review and sign new account paperwork for transferring your portfolio, and coordinate with your other professional advisors as necessary.

Why we do it »

A plan not implemented is one with no chance of success. Our primary goal is for you to be successful.

Reviewing Your Progress
90 Days

Review your initial account statements and make sure your plan is on track.

Why we do it »

You will feel more comfortable knowing that financial issues (whether previously known or not) are being addressed and your plan is moving forward.

Staying on Course

Regular reviews: Meet every three to six months if needed to address financial concerns.
Annual review: Review financial plan and investments to assess progress and recommend adjustments.

Why we do it »

Your financial plan needs to properly consider and remain up to date with your constantly changing life.

Each of our clients we’ve agreed to work with because we are confident we can make a positive difference in their financial life.

George & Scott